Cook kippers exactly as you would smoked haddock or try the old-fashioned jugged method for fume-free kippers

If you are fond of kippers or think you might like to try them but are apprehensive, don't be put off by the thought of lingering cooking smells haunting the house - they needn't be a problem, we have ways! It's a shame to miss out as they are very good for you ( full of heart-protecting and brain-improving omega 3 fatty acids) and not at all expensive.

Buy them from a good wet fish counter if you can and unless you especially love whole kippers complete with myriad bones, choose kipper fillets: although still be prepared for the odd fine stray bone.

Serve kippers on warmed plates with a good grinding of freshly ground black pepper and some brown bread and butter. A poached egg on top wouldn’t go amiss either.

Don’t forget some marmalade for afterwards to finish up the bread and butter. A pot of tea is pretty much essential.

Cooking Kippers in a Lidded Pan

Put a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a level teaspoon of butter in a frying pan.

Pop in the fish and cover with a closely fitting lid.

Cook over a moderate heat for a few minutes until the fish loses its translucency and becomes opaque: usually about 6-10 minutes.

Old-Fashioned Jugged Kippers

Pour boiling water into a suitably sized jug and slip in the kipper fillets: the water should just cover them.

Leave for 7-10 minutes.

Lift out and drain on kitchen paper.